Santa at the 33rd street location of Dough Boy's Pizza Virginia Beach Oceanfront

Santa Claus to visit Dough Boy’s Nightly!

In conjunction with Holiday Lights at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront, Santa will visit Dough Boy’s 33rd Street and Atlantic nightly from 6:30-8:30, where he will provide FREE HOT CHOCOLATE and CANDY CANES for his kids. The fun starts Friday, November 29th and runs until December 23rd.

DoughBoysPizza-SantaDough Boy’s is located on the corner of 33rd Street and Atlantic Avenue at the exit of the Holiday Lights. Dough Boy’s discount coupons are also available when entering Holiday Lights.

FREE PARKING is located along 33rd Street. Call for more information at 757-747-2511. More details are on Facebook.

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